Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Alone at the Coal Face 

Someone recently advised me that if a reviewer doesn't like what you do, you should do more of it. 

I had my work reviewed three times last year. I was grateful for some really good honest critique, as having my work challenged forced me to further question my position, which in the end strengthened my resolve to remain on the same path.  There are things I still want to find out.

In preparing for a presentation last year, I collected and studied three years worth of images, basically looking at what I had done from Masters onwards. Doing this proved valuable in that it gave me a long shot view of where I'd been and which works were more resolved.

My last work of 2013 Ground is my jumping off point for this year, another starting point is to use this space as an extension to my work book: a place to deposit ideas and find focus, to build a visual diary for later reflection.
Diane Scott Ground  2013 Acrylic, aluminium, enamel 600 x 600 mm
James Wallace Arts Trust

Paint: as frame, backdrop, form, perspective and plane
Support: as format, ground, plane, drawing, form, reflective and object
Colour: as deferral (yellow halo), spatial flatness and shape (white), mid space (grey)
Trace: as form, perspective, reflective
Format: square repeated, tilted, floating and off wall, 


  1. Hi Dianne,
    I'm a friend of Jocelyn P. She suggested I check out your website which led me to your blog. You have some lovely simple works, which I know are the hardest to create as an artist.

  2. Hi Darren, thank you! Yep I agree the simple ones are the best, and also the hardest to find. :)
